„Act normal!“
… this is the title of a book that offers 99 tips for dealing with the Dutch. Dutch children indeed often get to hear from their parents “Act normal, that is already strange enough”. But what is normal in the Netherlands today and who decides that? What do our norms tell us about underlying values? And don’t we have a duty to engage with what does not seem ‘normal’ at first sight? In international education, we actively seek this engagement with other countries, cultures and disciplines to intentionally disturb our sense of normality and remain alert and critical to what happens at home and abroad.
Short biography of the speaker:
Prof. Dr. Jos Beelen has the professorship of Global Learning at The Hague University of Applied Sciences and Visiting Professor at Coventry University. With his research group on Global Learning, he investigates internationalisation at home and the skills of academics to shape an internationalised curriculum, for example with Collaborative Online International Learning as one of the building blocks. Jos is member of the Thematic Committee on Research into Internationalisation at the European Association for International Education (EAIE). He was the recipient of the 2018 President’s Award for his contribution to internationalisation at home.
Approximately two weeks after the lecture, a recording will be published on the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences YouTube channel. You will then also find the video on this website.